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Onur AKBAŞ / Yazar

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AKBAŞ / Yazar
Eklenme Tarihi: 18 Ekim 2020, Pazar 19:59 - Son Güncelleme: 18 Ekim 2020 Pazar, 19:59
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        I am one of the last examples of his kind that met his adolescence with classics in the nineties. Is it because I'm not very handsome and I'm from a county caught between peasantry and urbanism? Is it because I feel compelled to have other dreams? Or is it because it is a hot topic in male conversations that I have been involved in? I do not know. The diameter of my dreams was a little more social. The story of leaving the village and returning to the village, İ.C. I got to know Hugo's Les Miserables after Ökten's book, Passengers of Hope. Both books are the novels I finished one after the other. I don't remember any other novels I finished in those years over and over. Maybe because I don't have enough pocket money for another book to buy, maybe because those who read a lot of books are not well taken care of in our neighborhood's traditional perception of tradition and religion. Now the situation is not so different in our universities. I criticize them constantly. I made my choice between the religion of the Qur'an and the traditional rumored religion perceived from past to present. Even if it's late …

         Kozet in Les Miserables was the role model of the girls I fell in love with. Consequently, my role model was Monsieur Maryus. I have never had a political revolutionary side like him. But when I think of patriotism, nationalist sentiments, democracy, and for this reason enlightenment and illumination, I have always embraced his idealistic side. It is the French classics that made me both read books and gravitate towards social sciences. For me, he was an image of a French girl: a naive white-skinned creature with lily scents in white. I always thought that French girls' necks smelled of paper and books. Even the scene told by a friend who went to France years later did not spoil this perception of me. I am talking about the image of men who take care of their needs in open toilets on the banks of the Sen river, and the women who slip their skirts and stand against the river with their temple. Even this did not hurt. It doesn't hurt though. Because I also know the types who take their phallus in their hands and hold the barrel in the gap, although not with the encouragement of the municipality. Not having a faucet in their toilets is the life choice freedom of the French people and Europe. The criticisms to be made about me without swearing or insulting these things are also freedom of expression. They can also make my cartoon. But on one condition. Provided that there are not things that mock my private, humiliate me. In fact, the French who have put their life forward for the republic and freedom understand what I mean. Because the history of the French revolution is the revolution of an intellectual people that has dragged its rulers after him. The problem is the rulers and half intellectuals there. Because the people of France know the difference between insulting someone else's holy and criticism. That's why I still have sympathy for that people. But that ignorant and ambitious Macron and his policies are very cheap. Calling with France comes in like a nightmare. I condemn the terrorist killing of the propagandist and provocateur teacher of the insulting cartoons. In the religion of the Quran, it is one of the greatest sins to kill savagely and take life for no reason. Macron does not know this, but I leave it to the intellectual mind of the people of France. When it comes to terrorists, anyone can describe themselves as Muslim, Christian or Jewish. This person could be a murderer or a pervert. Based on these, we cannot argue that some religions suggest perversion or murder. No matter how the terrorists bombing mosques or the beheading Salafists define themselves, they are all religious and unholy. Thanks to all the French people themselves. 

With love …